You are here: Assignments > Grading and Returning Assignments

Grading and Returning Assignments

You can grade the assignments, or if corrections need to be made, return the assignments to Users. On the ControlPanel:

  1. Click on the Assignments menu to expand it.
  2. Click Grade/Return Submitted
  3. Click next to the assignment you want to grade. 

The Details of the assignment are available on this page as well as any user notes and related attachments.

  1. (Optional) Send an internal communication message to user by clicking next to the Username.
  2. (Optional) Click Add Attachment to include a file attachment to the returned assignment. The Resource Manager opens from which you can select a file. (Before you can select any files from the Resource Manager you must first upload the files to it.)
Attaching a file using this window makes the file available to all Users who have been given the assignment.
Once a User attaches a file to an assignment, it is only visible to the grader.
  1. In the Grading section, you can:
  1. Click either of the following:

Once you have graded or returned the assignment it will disappear from the Grade/Return Submitted Assignments page. If you returned the assignment, when the user resubmits it the assignment will become available on this page again.


When an Assignment is designated as a "Gradebook Item" and not "interactive" then the Gradebook will not display a Return Assignment button, because if an Assignment is not interactive, there is nothing to send back to the User.

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