You are here: ILT > Setting Up ILT Events, Tracks, and Sessions > ILT Sessions > Adding Prerequisites for ILT Sessions

Adding Prerequisites for ILT Sessions

You can add prerequisites to ILT Sessions. This enables you to enforce the order in which users take training. Using this feature, you can require that Users complete certain learning items before attempting another. For example, you may want Users to take ILT Session A and Course B before they can take ILT Session C. On the ControlPanel:

  1. Click on the ILT menu to expand it.
  2. Click Instructor Led Training.
  3. Search for the Session you want.
  4. Click next to the Session. The Session Information page opens
  5. Click Prerequisites.
  6. Select one of the following from the Select drop-down list: 

The appropriate selector window opens.

  1. Click the option button next to the item you want to map as the prerequisite.
  1. Click Return selected. The prerequisite is added as mandatory.
  2. (Optional) Click next to the prerequisite. 
  3. (Optional) Click Optional to change the prerequisite from mandatory to optional and click to save the change.
  4. Repeat these steps until you have added all prerequisites.

As you add prerequisites, notice how a statement develops in the Prerequisite Rule section. This statement, or rule, gives you a preview of how the selections you make on this window affect what users must do before attempting the learning item. In the example above, the rule indicates that before users can attempt Accounting Basics, they must first take Intermediate Office Skills and Business Accounting and Tax Strategies.

Notice that with each added prerequisite, the Logical Operator “AND” is added. You have the ability to require users take all of the prerequisites using AND, or give users the choice between one prerequisite OR another.

  1. (Optional) Click next to the prerequisite. 
  2. (Optional) Click the OR option button and click to save the change.

Notice how the Prerequisite Rule has changed with the addition of the OR logical operator.

  1. Click Return.

When Users attempt to access a learning item that has associated prerequisites, a messages displays. If the prerequisite alert message for mandatory prerequisites is active, Users are alerted that the item requested has mandatory prerequisites, which are listed. Users can click the links to the prerequisites to access or enroll in them.

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