You are here: Social > Chat Rooms

Chat Rooms

A Chat Room is an area of the LearnCenter where online conversations are held in real time by two or more Users.

The following User Permissions are required to use the features in this menu:

  • View Management Links (sub permission of Manage Options)
  • View Content
  • Manage Chat Rooms (parent and sub User Permissions)

See Chat Room User Permissions for instructions on granting or denying these permissions.

On the ControlPanel:

  1. Click   on the Social menu to expand it.
  2. Click Chat Rooms.

All Chat Rooms in the LearnCenter are displayed on this page. A indicates that this Chat Room is shown in the LearnCenter. A indicates that this Chat Room is not shown in the LearnCenter. A chain link indicates that the Chat Room is linked to a synchronous course. Additional action icons display when you rest your pointer on a Chat Room in the list. Each are described in the following table.



Click this to view the Chat Room.

Note: Access to this option is only available if you have been granted at least one of the following sub User Permissions: Add Chat Rooms, Edit Chat Rooms, or View Chat Room Transcripts.

Click this to edit the Chat Room properties.

Note: Access to this option is only available if you have been granted the Edit Chat Room Properties sub User Permission.

Click this to view a Chat Room transcript.

Note: Access to this option is only available if you have been granted the View Chat Room Transcripts sub User Permission.

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