You are here: Categories > Changing the Status of a Category

Changing the Status of a Category

You can change the status of a Category to Active or Inactive. Making Categories Active means they are available for use. Making Categories Inactive makes them unavailable for use. Making items Inactive does not permanently remove them, and you can restore them to Active status at any time. On the Control Panel:

  1. Click on the Categories menu to expand it.
  2. Click Categories.

All Categories in the LearnCenter are displayed on this page. If there is a  next to a Category, click it to expand a list of sub Categories.

  1. Select the opposite Status from the drop-down list, and then click Search. For example, if you want to change an Inactive Category to be Active, you will want to select Inactive from the drop-down list to look for it in the list of all inactive Categories.
  2. Select the check boxes next to the Categories or sub Categories for which you want to change the status.
  3. Click Change Status. A confirmation window displays asking you to confirm the change.
  4. Click OK to continue with the status change.
    Click Cancel to cancel the status change.

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