You are here: Categories > Mapping Items to Categories

Mapping Items to Categories

You can map LearnCenter items to Categories or sub Categories on the Category Properties page. You can also view items already mapped to Categories or sub Categories. On the Control Panel:

  1. Click on the Categories menu to expand it.
  2. Click Categories. All Categories in the LearnCenter are displayed on this page. If there is a  next to a Category, click it to expand a list of sub Categories.
  3. Rest your pointer on the Category or sub Category you want, and then click . The Mappings section displays a list of all items types you can map to the Category.
  4. Click one of the items. A new, corresponding section appears at the bottom of the page. Scroll down to view it if necessary. If there are already items mapped to this Category, they are listed here.
  5. Click (Map [item] to Category). Either a selector or search window opens.
  6. If necessary, search for the items you want to map using the search window.
  7. Click the check boxes next to the items you want to map to this Category.
  8. Click Return Selected. The items you selected are mapped to the Category and are listed in the section at the bottom of the Category Properties page. Some of the items may display icons in the Actions column that enable you to view item details or preview the item (Courses or Classes). To make changes to the items' properties, you must do so from the items' corresponding ControlPanel menus.

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