You are here: Options > System Options > File Access Settings

File Access Settings

You can determine whether files have restricted access and which files have restricted access. You can also customize a warning message that displays if an anonymous User (a User who is not logged in) tries to access a restricted file. What you set here affects all files in this and all sub LearnCenters. You can manually override this default for individual files using options in the Resource Manager.

Important: If a User is logged in and attempts to access a secure file, the following message displays "This file is secured. You cannot access it." This message is not customizable. However, if you customize the standard anonymous file access message (below), then your custom message displays for both anonymous and logged-in Users. If you must customize the anonymous User message, then you may want to consider changing the wording of your message so that it is applicable to both scenarios


On the ControlPanel of the root LearnCenter:

  1. Click on the Options menu to expand it.
  2. Click System.
  3. Scroll down if necessary to view the Files panel.

  1. Click the Application Files check box to indicate you want all application files restricted. Application files are those that you uploaded to LearnCenter using the Resource Manager or any other location within LearnCenter in which you can upload a file. Selecting this option means all files in this LearnCenter and all sub LearnCenters are restricted by default, however, this default can be overridden at the individual file level in Resource Manager.
    Clear this check box to leave application files accessible to anyone, regardless of LearnCenter access. (Default)
  2. Click the FTP files check box to indicate you want all FTP files restricted. FTP files are any file you have uploaded to LearnCenter using FTP. You cannot override this setting in the Resource Manager because files uploaded using FTP are not accessible in the Resource Manager. 
    Clear the check box to leave FTP files accessible to anyone, regardless of LearnCenter access. (Default)
  • Users must have a valid LearnCenter session to access restricted files.
  • Ability to access restricted files is not based on User Permissions or group memberships.
  • This feature is not supported for QuickTime®  Streaming Server or Akamai® .
  • File types that are not supported by LearnCenter cannot be secured.
  • Embedded files that are rendered via another object, such as an .SWF player or Windows® Media Player, can be restricted.
  1. Select the Use Default check box to indicate that you want LearnCenter to use the default text for the Secured File Warning Message message (see next step), and that the prompt text field should be disabled and not editable. The message text will display in an Admin's chosen language on this page. The message itself displays to Users in their preferred language.
    Clear this check box to indicate you want the message text to will be enabled and editable by Admins. The message text displays in the chosen language of the Admin viewing the prompt, and Users will see the exact message text entered, regardless of their language preference.
  2. (Optional) Type your own customized Secured File Warning Message. This message displays when any User attempts to access a restricted file and does not have a valid LearnCenter session.
    Use the default message included with this feature. The default message is:

This file is secured. Click here to log in.

You can use the Insert Dynamic Content drop-down list to add LearnCenter Identifier or File URL information into your customized warning message. These enable you to identify both the LearnCenter and the accessed file.
  1. (Optional) Click Add Image to change the custom image that appears when an anonymous User attempts to access a restricted image file (.GIF, .JPG, .PNG, etc.). The default image is .
  2. Click Save.

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