The information in this topic relates to Dynamic Groups. If you are looking for help with the Classic Groups functionality, refer to Classic Groups. |
You can add Users to a Dynamic Group in several ways. You can manually add Users to a Dynamic Group by clicking Add Users, and selecting them from the Users Selector. These Users' Dynamic Group memberships are considered static, because they cannot be automatically removed or added to the Dynamic Group.
You can also have LearnCenter automatically add Users to a Dynamic Group based on criteria you pre-select on the Dynamic Criteria tab of the Edit Groups window. These Users' Dynamic Group memberships are considered dynamic, because they can be added to the Group in two different ways:
A Dynamic Group can contain both static and dynamic Users. A User's membership to a Dynamic Group is indicated by the icon in the Member Type column of the User tab of the Edit Groups window.
The Users' Membership type is indicated in the Member Type column.
- indicates the User's membership is static.
- indicates the User's membership is dynamic.
The following topics describe how to add static and dynamic Users to a Dynamic Group.
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