You are here: User Accounts > Managing Users > Managing User Profile Photos

Managing User Profile Photos

You can upload photos to User profiles. Depending on your LearnCenter settings, User photos are visible in several areas of LearnCenter. For example, if you are using the User Cards or My Team features, photos can display there. You can upload a User photo that is in .GIF or .JPG format, and up to 1 Megabyte in size.

Photos only display to the Admins, Supervisors, or Users if you or your System Administrator designated these options when making custom and standard fields accessible to others.

If you have just added a new basic User account, scroll down to view the Actions for Recently Added User section, and then click next to the Username.


On the ControlPanel:

  1. Click  on the Users menu to expand it.
  1. CollapsedSearch for the Username to which you want to add or edit a photo.
  1. Click the photo box displaying No Photo (or an existing photo if one has already been uploaded).
  2. Click Browse.
  3. Browse to the location on your PC or network that contains the photo you want to upload.
  4. Select the photo and click Open.
  5. Click Upload.

Deleting a Photo from a User's Profile

To delete a photo on the User Properties page, follow these steps.

  1. Click the Clear Photo link. You are prompted to confirm that you want to clear the photo.
  2. Click OK. The photo box displays No Photo.

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