Use the Bulk Import Users option to import user information from text files or spreadsheets. You can import a few or many Users at once (however recommended maximum is 20,000 Users at a time). Include as much information as you want, but at minimum, you should import at least a username, first name, last name, and password for each user. (Recommended maximum size is 20 columns of data or a file size of 7 - 8 MB.) Username and passwords are required to use this feature.
If you do not know what characters are allowed for your LearnCenter, contact the Admin who is responsible for administering the User Control Settings section of the System Options page in the root LearnCenter. Possible characters could include:
Examples of allowed special characters: -.! # $ & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` { | } ~ PLEASE NOTE:
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The fields First Name, Last Name and Group can contain up to 100 characters each. |
Taleo Learn advises against the practice of simultaneously allowing multiple Users to use the default Administrator account to do bulk imports. Doing so will cause conflicting imports. Instead, use individual named accounts for this feature. |
On the ControlPanel:
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Microsoft Access adds the column headers with the data. You can exclude the heading row when importing. |
If you selected Paste into text area, additional fields become available.
If you do not specify an email address in the source file when bulk importing Users, User Communication Messages cannot be sent to them. The following message displays to alert you of this so that you can go back and add an email address for new Users.
Example: You want the data in the first column to be mapped to First Name. Select First Name from the drop-down list. You want the data in the second column to be mapped to Last Name. Select Last Name from that column’s drop-down list.
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If you are trying to map a field and the following error message appears: “This is not a valid field. Would you like to view the invalid rows?”, click Yes to highlight the fields that have invalid data in red. Possible causes of errors:
Taleo Learn recommends that you document the row that is causing the error, and skip those rows. Once you fix them in Excel (or the program you got your data from), you can then try to re-import the rows that caused you problems. |
The Users who will be imported are visible in the New Users section. Click next to Click here for more details to display the list of Users. If any of the Users already exist, they will be visible under Users That Already Exist. If any Users failed to import for any reason, they will be visible under Users that Failed to Import.
This step is very important. If you do not click this check box, you may create "orphaned Users." An orphaned User is one in which a username is created, but the LearnCenter membership is not inserted. As a result, you will not find orphaned Users' User Accounts on the Users page. If attemtpt to create an orphaned User's username again, you will receive an error message stating that the User already exists in the LearnCenter. There are two ways to resolve the issue of orphaned Users:
Note: You can check for the existence of orphaned Users in your LearnCenter by running the Orphaned Users Report.
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See Membership Statuses for detailed information about each of these statuses. |
If you select Force User to change password on first login select the amount of time Users will have to change their passwords. The default is 10 minutes.
If there are Users that already exist, do the following:
If you selected Upload Text File as your Import Type, additional fields display.
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The file must be a .TXT file. You can save a Microsoft Excel file as a .TXT. |
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These are generally used when you are selecting to export data from a database using specific delimiters and string Qualifiers. Otherwise you can just let this default. |
If you do not specify an email address in the source file when bulk importing Users, User Communication Messages cannot be sent to them. The following message displays to alert you of this so that you can go back and add an email address for new Users.
Click Continue to continue without adding email addresses, or click Cancel to go back and add email addresses.
Example: You want the data in the first column to be mapped to First Name. Select First Name from the drop-down list. You want the data in the second column to be mapped to Last Name. Select Last Name from that column’s drop-down list.
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If you are trying to map a field and the following error message appears: “This is not a valid field. Would you like to view the invalid rows?”, click Yes to highlight the fields that have invalid data in red. Possible causes of errors:
Taleo Learn recommends that you document the row that is causing the error, and skip those rows. Once you fix them in Excel (or the program you got your data from), you can then try to re-import the rows that caused you problems. |
You can import Short Date Format, Long Date Format, Time Format, Start of Week, Language, Time Zone, Daylight Saving, Time Zone Display. The Bulk Importer only accepts specific values for each of the corresponding fields. For example, to specify a Short Date format of "m/d/yyyy", you must enter "1" in the field.
The Users who will be imported are visible in the New Users section. Click next to Click here for more details to display the list of Users. If any of the Users already exist, they will be visible under Users That Already Exist. If any Users failed to import for any reason, they will be visible under Users that Failed to Import.
This step is very important. If you do not click this check box, the Users will be created, but their membership will not be inserted and you will not be able to see the User accounts in LearnCenter. You will receive an error message stating that the username already exists if you try to create it again. The only way to correct that situation is to bulk-import the Users again and click the Insert LearnCenter Memberships check box to insert their membership. |
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See Membership Statuses for detailed information about each of these statuses. |
If there are Users that already exist, do the following:
You can use Bulk Import to update information in existing User accounts. For example, you may want to change all LearnCenter Users account expiration dates to Never Expire. Information on how to do this is explained in the following document on My Oracle Support: "No Option to Set a Large Number of Oracle Taleo LearnCenter User Account Expiration Dates or Passwords to 'Never Expire'” (Doc ID 1531627.1).
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