You are here: User Accounts > Managing Users > Changing a User's Membership Status

Changing a User's Membership Status

You can change a User's LearnCenter membership status.

This option is only available if you have been granted the Change User LearnCenter Status sub permission of the Manage Users (Basic) User Permission. See User Permissions for instructions on granting and denying user permissions.


WARNING: Changing a User's membership status to any inactive status (Removed, Pending Approval, or Denied) will unmap that User from any Dynamic Groups to which they were mapped, and the training items associated with those Group mappings.

On the ControlPanel:

  1. Click  on the Users menu to expand it.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Scroll down if necessary to view the Users section.
  4. Click next to the Users whose status you want to change.
  5. Select Change Membership Status from the Actions drop-down list.

  1. Select a new Membership Status from the drop-down list:

Changing a User’s status to Removed does not delete the User from the LearnCenter. You can still search for the User on the Users page using the Removed filter.

Supervisors whose membership status is changed to Removed in the root LearnCenter may still be supervisors in sub LearnCenter. For example a User is made supervisor in the root LearnCenter, but his status is later changed to Removed in that root LearnCenter. (This may be done if you do not want supervisors to have access to the root LearnCenter.) However, that User can still be a supervisor for sub LearnCenters due to inheritance.

Membership Statuses and Groups

Users who have Pending, Denied or Removed statuses are not included in Static or Dynamic Groups until their status is changed to Active. Changing an Active User's status to Pending, Denied or Removed results in the User being removed from all Static or Dynamic Groups and from any training items (Learning Plans, Skills, and Job Profiles) that are mapped to those Groups.


  1. (Optional) Click the Apply to all Sub LearnCenters check box to apply the change to all sub LearnCenters in which those Users exist.
  2. Click Change Status.
  3. Click Return to return to the Users page.

Changing the Membership Status of a Co-Owner

Co-owner Membership Status is always set to Approved and cannot be changed using only the method above. If you want to change the status of a Co-Owner, follow these procedures in order:

  1. Change the User's Account settings so that it is set to be Expired in ALL LearnCenters.
  2. Delete Co-Owner permissions.
  3. Using the steps above, change the User's Membership Status to Removed, and click Apply to all Sub LearnCenters to apply the change to allsub LearnCenters in which those Users exist.

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