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Skill Network

The Skill Network feature enables users (or supervisors of those users) to compare their current skill set against the skill set needed for another job profile within the organization. Using the functionality provided by this feature quickly isolates gaps and identifies areas where improvement is needed.

Admins can give individuals the ability to perform career planning by researching their own readiness for open positions or rate themselves for career development. Users can view a graphical representation of their skills gaps that would need to be filled before they could be considered qualified for a particular job or role. They can then send requests to their managers to be considered for the new job profile. Once managers approve a user's request, LearnCenter can assign the skills and development plans needed for that job profile. Users can also import job profiles into a current Learning Plan.

This feature is free of charge, but must be activated for you by Customer Support. Contact Customer Support through My Oracle Support for further details.


The following User Permissions are required to use this feature:

  • View Management Links (sub permission of Manage Options)
  • View Content
  • Manage Job Profiles (parent and sub User Permissions)*
  • Manage Messages (parent and sub User Permissions)*
  • Manage Custom Fields (parent and sub User Permissions)

*Contain additional sub user permissions related to this feature that become visible once you activate the feature. See below for details.

See User Permissions for instructions on granting and denying User Permissions.

Once this feature is activated, the following changes appear in LearnCenter:

Readying LearnCenter for this Feature

Once this feature has been activated for your LearnCenter, you should do the following:

  1. Grant or deny the additional User Permissions described below for the Users who will be managing Job Profiles using this feature.
  2. (Optional) Set up the custom fields for job profiles if you need to collect additional information not provided by the standard LearnCenter fields.
  3. (Optional) Customize the four additional communication messages that apply to this feature.
  4. Apply the additional Skill Network settings to your current job profiles, or create new profiles that make use of the new settings.
  5. Create new Dynamic Objects on the appropriate LearnCenter pages using the additional Career Planning Dynamic Object Wizard.


Granting or Denying Additional User Permissions

When you purchase this feature, new User Permissions become available for use in your LearnCenter under the Manage Job Profiles and the Manage Messages User Permissions. The additional permissions are described in the following table.

Permission Description

Manage Job Profiles


Customize Skill Network

Enables Admins to customize Job Profiles to use the Skill Network feature. If you deny this permission, Admins will not be able to customize Job Profiles to use the Skill Network feature.

Note: This User Permission only displays if you have activated the Skill Network feature. Contact Taleo Learn Support for more details.

Manage Messages


Customize Job Profile Messages

Enables Admins to customize messages for use with the Job Profiles Compare feature. If you deny this permission, Admins will not be able to customize messages for use with the Job Profiles Compare feature.

View Job Profile Messages

Enables Admins to view messages for use with the Job Profiles Compare feature. If you deny this permission, Admins will not be able to view messages for use with the Job Profiles Compare feature.

Setting Up Additional Job Profile Communication Messages

Four additional communication messages have been added to support the Skill Network functionality. You can use the default messages or customize them to meet your organization's needs. The four new messages are:

Managing Additional Job Profile Compare Settings for Job Profiles

There are additional fields on the Create and Modify Job Profile pages that enable Admins to set up the Skill Network feature. These fields enable Admins to determine whether users can self-map or self-unmap a job profile, and whether a manager's approval is required when an employee self-assigns to a job profile. See Editing Job Profile Self Mapping Properties for instructions on using these fields.

Using the Additional Dynamic Object

The Career Planning Dynamic Object category and its associated Skill Network Dynamic Object become available to you when you activate Skill Networkfor your LearnCenter. This tag uses a Wizard to facilitate setup. Add this tag to a LearnCenter page so that users can use the Job Profile Compare feature. See Skill Network Dynamic Object for details.

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