The Enrollment roster is the list of Users who are part of the Enrollment. You can customize the roster to include whatever information suits your needs. The roster is set up like a table. Each User is listed in the first column of the table. You can add additional columns for the table that contain either LearnCenter User information, or your own custom information.
You can customize a Roster on a per-Enrollment basis, and you can also set up a default Roster template to use across all Enrollments. These instructions are for customizing a specific Enrollment's Roster. See Customizing the Enrollment Roster Template for instructions on setting up the Roster template.
The following User Permissions are required for this feature:
And the following sub permissions of Manage Enrollments:
Optionally, you may want to grant the following custom Roster field Permissions, sub Permission of Manage Custom Fields:
You will also need to make these fields visible and editable to the appropriate Users on the Field Settings page. See Enrollment User Permissions or instructions on granting and denying User Permissions. |
On the ControlPanel:
The Roster Editor opens display a default roster setup you can customize. Notice the first column contains the User tag. This represents the Enrollment participants' usernames. When you display the completed Roster, actual usernames will display in this row. The Username column cannot be removed and is required to properly set up a roster.
You can add more columns to the roster, and the data for these columns can come from standard fields (they will automatically pull User information stored within LearnCenter) custom fields, or custom Roster fields. You can also set up default roster instructions that will automatically appear on every new Enrollment roster.
You can set LearnCenter to display a Roster link on the Enrollment Information pop-up window after Users self-enroll. This functionality is set using the following Registry Key: Show_Roster_Link. Set the Value to 1 if you want to activate this functionality. You can set LearnCenter so that the roster automatically pops up after Users self-enroll. (If you also enable Show_Roster_Link, the link will display on the Enrollment Information and the Roster will pop up.) This functionality is set using the following Registry Key: Show_Roster_After_Enroll. Set the Value to 1 if you want to activate this functionality. See Registry Editor for instructions on setting Registry Keys. |
To add columns to your roster:
You can set LearnCenter to perform a close match search against standard LearnCenter data fields to automatically populate the Roster fields. This functionality is set using the following registry key: Perform_Close_Match_On_Roster_Fields. Set the Value to 1 if you want to activate this functionality. See Registry Editor for instructions on setting Registry Keys. |
If you need to change the order of your columns change the number in the Move To drop-down list. For example, if you want to change column 4 to be column 2, select 2 from the Move To drop-down list.
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